Rossa, Piotr2018-06-132018-06-132015P. Rossa, Eucharystia - pamięć i uobecnienie, [w:] red. D. Kwiatkowski, Kto spożywa moje ciało, ma życie wieczne : refleksje o eucharystii, Poznań 2015, s. 177-188.978-83-65251-13-8 article discusses the historicity of Christianity, where a fundamental role is being played by the remembrance of Jesus Christ and His Salvific presence. These elements are expressed in the liturgical actions of the Church, especially in the Eucharist. The Church celebrates the Eucharist and recalls the Pasch of Jesus Christ which is made present. The offering which Christ made once and for all on the Cross remains forever present on the Church’s altars. Speaking about memory, beginning from the New Testament up until contemporary documents, the Church does not orient itself toward the past only, but lives with the awareness of the constant meaning of Salvific events, taking them up in the present and living them out while being oriented toward the ultimate future. The Eucharist, understood as the memorial of Jesus Christ, is also a mystery of His real presence. The celebration of the Eucharist places man in the presence of the Savior Himself until the end of the world, which is something that takes place in the Church and through the Church.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEucharystiaJezus ChrystuspamięćobecnośćKościółzbawienieChurchliturgyJesus ChristpresencememorialEucharistWieczernikbishoppriestLiturgia圣餐聖体युहरिस्ट성체Eucharystia - pamięć i uobecnienieThe Eucharist – Memorial and Re-presentationRozdział z książki