Krysztofiak, Maria2012-12-192012-12-192012Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia vol. 14, 2012, pp. 45-542299-6885 article focuses on the narrative construction of identity in the biographical novel about the life of Madame Tussaud written by the Danish author Dorrit Willumsen. A specific biographical narration technique of Willumsen is the starting point for discussing two interweaving layers of biographical discourse: the historical literary biography and the internal biography (lifeline as a story). Willumsen`s open dialogue of images and words shapes the narration to cross the frame of the principal character`s historical time and places Willumsen`s novel in the European context of narrative literature on artistic images of identity.otherlitterær biografibiografisk fortællingbiografisk-historisk fortællingidentitetsbilledernarrative identitetsbillederpoetologisk konstruktionfortælleprocedureliterary biographybiographical storybiographical-historical storyidentity imagesnarrative identity imagespoetological structureEn litterær biografi og narrative identitetsbilleder. Dorrit Willumsens roman "Marie. Madame Tussauds liv"Literary Biography and Narrative Identity Images. Dorrit Willumsen’s Novel "Marie. A novel about the life of Madame Tussaud"Artykuł