Springer, Sławomir2013-12-102013-12-102010Przegląd Religioznawczy, 2010, nr 2, ss. 41-50.1230-4379http://hdl.handle.net/10593/8788Sławomir Springer – PROTESTANT THEOLOGICAL THOUGHT TOWARDS PHILOSOPHICAL CRITICISM The main thesis of this article is an assumption, that philosophical reflection, put within specific rules of conduct of rationality, removes the authoritarian structure of religious tradition and forces it into transformation there, where this tradition was incapable to do so. This criticism may also help theology to gain a more full, more penetrating and adjusted to the empirical knowledge of man about himself and the world and a better understanding of a credible thinking of God, as well a greater un-prejudiced research over the importance of history of Jesus of Nazareth for mankind and whole reality. This philosophical criticism is simultaneously an intellectual challenge for religion an theolo-gy. At least this is what a modern protestant philosopher of religion Wolfhart Pannenberg thinks, who’s point of view is being referred in this article.plProtestancka myśl teologiczna w obliczu krytyki filozoficznejArtykuł