Łuczka, Teresa2013-03-192013-03-191998Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1998, nr 2, s. 143-1570035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5518High costs of a trade credit have some serious consequences for the structure of capital of a creditor. From the point of view of remunerativeness - having recourse to the most expensive from of financing from the outside results in raising the average cost o f engaging capital by a business and, consequently, in decreasing of remunerativeness of the capital used. From the point of view of financial position of a business such a credit does increase its own payment capacity and even sometimes it becomes the only available way of getting a source financing of short-termed economic growth. Nevertheless, from the point of view of the criterion of sovereignty of a business - the trade credit has negative influence because of increased economic dependence on a deliverer and, finally, because of the fact that the business gets enforced to comply with conditions offered by the creditor.plKREDYT OD DOSTAWCY JAKO ŹRÓDŁO POZABAN KOWEGO FINANSOWANIA PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA. PROBLEMY OGÓLNETRADE CREDIT AS A SOURCE OF EXTRA-BANK FINANCING OF A BUSINESS. GENERAL ISSUESArtykuł