Kwak, Anna2013-02-082013-02-082001Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2001, tom 13, s. 19-270867-2059 Polish family is being transformed in the same way as is the family in other societies - fewer legal marriages, fewer children, more divorces, more single parents, more cohabitation. Causes of these changes have social and economic background. Changed perspectives on meaning of marriage correlates with the change of expectations directed to partner and the union itself. Public opinion became more distinctly tolerant which undoubtedly facilitates spreading of alternative unions. Although people will accept cohabitation in principle, they would still prefer their own family members to establish formal marriages. Is there cohabitation an alternative and threat to marriage?plKierunki przemian rodziny - alternatywy dla małżeństwaDirection of family transformation - alternatives to marriageArtykuł