Leoński, Jacek2016-12-292016-12-291987Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 1, s. 235-2420035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/16936Modern sociology is nowadays trending away from the traditional, positivistically oriented methodological tendencies. One of contemporary tendencies refers to the findings of humanistic sociology, especially to the conceptions of G. H. Mead, H. Blumer, A. Schultz or to ethnomethodology. The said tendency points out mainly to the fact of the interpretation of the reality by indywiduals. Human society is given through the system of various signs and symbols, the language being the most important among them. Therefore, the analysis of the language, of its meanings and classifications, is very important in grasping the process of interpreting the reality. Another approach is offered by the French sociologist, A. Touraine. His conception is connected with the analyses of social movements and possesses the characteristics of humanistic approach to the object and method of sociological research. The method of research procedure applied by A. Touraine, called "intervention sociologique", is a typical example of antipositivistic trend in sociology.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessO niektórych współczesnych inspiracjach metodologicznych w socjologiiOn Some Modern Methodological Inspirations in SociologyArtykuł