Szuman, Alicja2013-07-162013-07-162006Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 68, 2006, z. 4, s. 149-171.0035-9629 aim of this paper was to study and evaluate the main elements that determine the living conditions of families and the extent to which their needs are satisfied at different stages of family development, depending on the professional activity of mothers. The study was based on extensive empirical material collected from questionnaires that had been circulated nationwide by the Centre of the Family Research, at the University of Economics in Poznań. It was carried out in 2004 and comprised a group of 3611 families in which the mother worked, or did not work professionally. The obtained results have shown that families in which mothers work professionally have a relatively better financial conditions than the families with non-working mothers. Almost 3 of mothers reported insufficient means preventing them from fully satisfying the needs of their families. However, families in which mothers worked professionally did not have to save for house repairs or house improvements as much as those with non-working mothers, and the latter exceeded in their saving activity, or inability to invest by 37.2% those with a working mother. A decided majority of families was also forced to cut down on their expenses on recreation and social life. The housing situation of the families under our study was markedly different, to, depending on the professional activity of the mother, the place of the family residence, and some major demographic and social features. The housing situation of families with a non-working mother is less advantageous to than that with a working mother. Their households show a different level of abundance in durable consumer goods. That diversification becomes even more pronounced, when it comes to more expensive or more luxury goods.plPRACA ZAWODOWA MATEK A WARUNKI MATERIALNE RODZINYPROFESSIONAL WORK OF MOTHERS AND THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF A FAMILYArtykuł