Dobkiewicz, Magdalena2013-12-032013-12-032013Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 7/2013, s. 45-56978-83-7654-166-22082-5951 author’s aim was to analyze the expression ‘die friedliche Revolution’ (peaceful revolution) in the context of changes that took place in 1989 and 1990 in East Germany. On the one hand, the expression is a continuation of the rhetoric which came into being as the German Democratic Republic declined, and on the other constitutes a useful tool in the present-day attempts to create “positive” collective memory, which unites German society around the events of the year 1989.enGerman Democratic RepublicGermany‘peaceful revolution’the fall of the Berlin wall1989language policy‘die Wende’communism GaliciaWorld War IIGerman occupationeducationliteratureculturefine art‘Peaceful Revolution’ as a Way of Conceptualizing the Events of 1989 in East GermanyArtykuł