Musiał-Karg, Magdalena2013-05-082013-05-082011Przegląd Politologiczny, 2011, nr 3, s.99-1181426-8876 increasingly popular tendency can be observed in numerous states in Europe and glob- ally, where modern forms of casting votes are implemented, including, first and foremost, electronic voting via the Internet or mobile telephones. In the opinion of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) advocates modern civilization is facing an era of electronic democracy, which constitutes this new form of exercising power, based on information and communication tools. Estonia is a European leader in applying electronic voting for election procedures. The paper presents an analysis of Estonia’s experience in the field of e-voting in the elections of 2005–2009.plelektroniczne głosowanieEstoniaInternetowe głosowanie w E-stonii na przykładzie wyborów w latach 2005–2009Internet voting in Estonia on the example of the elections in 2005–2009Artykuł