Galiński, Tadeusz2013-09-092013-09-092005Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2005, Tom XIII-XIV, s. 71-900239-8524 article presents stone and pottery materials from Tanowo, site 3, near Szczecin, excavated in the years 1999-2002 (trench II). The materials represent the late phase o f proto-Neolithic occupation dated back to 3300-2900/2800 BC. An animal bone sample from settlement pit in trench II is dated back to 5170 +/- BP (Poz - 1385).plNowe materiały tzw. fazy wczesnopucharowej osadnictwa protoneolitycznego na PomorzuNew empirical data of so-called early beaker phase from proto-neolithic occupation in PomeraniaArtykuł