Kokocińska, Katarzyna2013-03-072013-03-072008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 3, s. 49-620035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5004Regional policy is by law managed by the central government on the national level and by regional self-governments on the regional level. Collaboration between those organs requires a clearly defined system that will ensure legal grounds and institutions for adequate realisation o f the adopted regional policy. Those legal solutions must act as guarantees o f coherent activities carried out by public organs o f varied systems and competences as well as constitute safeguards of the sovereignty and independence o f self-governing local units. The analysis of the regulations presented in the paper leads to a conclusion that despite the seemingly important role that the legislator foresaw for regional self-governments, the state continues to exercise a key role in the regional policy those organs perform. This is mainly due to the fact that the responsibility for development at the national level vested to the Council o f Ministers also covers its activity in the regions. Neither the principles o f the development policy adopted in 2006, nor the Act on regional self-government offers a comprehensive mechanism that would ensure harmonious actions concerning regional policy decisions taken at the state and regional levels. Consequently, its realisation lacks coherence and fails to produce expected results.plINSTYTUCJONALNO-PRAWNE PODSTAWY WSPÓŁPRACY SAMORZĄDU WOJEWÓDZTWA Z RZĄDEM W ZAKRESIE POLITYKI REGIONALNEJINSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL GROUNDS FOR COLLABORATION BETWEEN REGIONAL SELF-GOVERNMENTS AND THE GOVERNMENT IN THE SCOPE OF REGIONAL POLICYArtykuł