Puślecki, Damian2013-12-292013-12-292008Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2008 Nr 2 (4), s. 246-258978-83-232-2169-21897-7626http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9107The purpose of the deliberations presented in this paper was to determine the concept of a permanent and long-term damage to health. When such one occurs, the injured party may claim damages and one-off indemnification by virtue of an agricultural accident. Although both, the permanent nature and the length of the damage to health are determinants in the establishing of the indemnity for an agricultural accident, they are of no significance when it comes to the determination of the amount of the compensation. Neither is the type of the agricultural activity that the injured party is engaged in. What is more, the capability (or incapability) of the injured party to continue work is not at all taken into consideration in determining the amount of the indemnity to be paid, which is strictly a oneoff compensation, currently paid under the farmers' agricultural insurance. It is proposed that two types or damages should be recognised: a permanent damage to health understood as a defect of bodily functions with no improvement prognosis, and a long-term damage, i.e. one lasting for more than 6 months but eventually curable.L’obiettivo dell’articolo é tentare di determinare la nozione di danno permanente e temporáneo alia salute. II verificarsi di un tale danno costituisce il presupposto per l’ottenimento del risarcimento, tuttavia, né la natura permanente o temporánea del danno, né il carattere dell’attivitá agrícola svolta influisce sull'ammontare della prestazione. II risarcimento, che non dipende dalla valutazione della capacita lavorativa del danneggiato, consiste in un’unica prestazione erogata dall’assicurazione per l’infortunio degli agricoltori. In conclusione l’Autore propone che per danno permanente si intenda una lesione dell’integritá física senza possibilitá di miglioramento, mentre per danno temporáneo si deve intendere una lesione dell’integritá física, con possibilitá di miglioramento, per un periodo che supera i 6 mesi.plStały i długotrwały uszczerbek na zdrowiu w wypadku przy pracy rolniczejPermanent or long-term damage to health as a result of an agricultural accidentIl danno permanente alla salute da infortunio sul lavoro agricoloArtykuł