Gołembski, Grzegorz2017-12-302017-12-301975Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 37, 1975, z. 1, s. 237-2430035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/21026The adaptation of trading network to the demand of tourism can be realized only through its appropriate increase. The network in question can be increased by means of investment and non-investment methods. The non-investment ways to increase trading network of services for tourists are the following: change of branch structure into more effective and better corresponding to tourists needs, introduction of moving workshops and renting other objects destined for trading activities. In case building new trade objects a key role (from the viewpoint of profit and service level) is played by the their size. The profitability of new objects in year's scale depends upon the length of tourist season, choice of branch, mobility of consumers and level of trade services. The adaptation of trading network to the demand of tourists requires facilities for investment activity, particularly, increasing the share of profit in the formation of investment fund, and fixing only the upper percentage (share of credit in the whole cost of investment.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMożliwości dostosowania sieci handlowej do potrzeb ruchu turystycznego w PolsceThe Possibilities of Adaptation of Trading Network to the Demand of Tourism in People's Republic of PolandArtykuł