Radkiewicz, Wacław2016-12-052016-12-051995Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 57, 1995, z. 3, s. 53-620035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/16317In the period after 1955, the traditional German agriculture has transformed into a modern one. Radical changes have taken place and they cannot be compared to anything before. As a result, modern agriculture in Germany produces much more crop than ever in the past. However, nowadays only a small number of farmers can find employment in agriculture. For many generations peasants have lived with a deep belief that nothing can destroy the stability and immunity of their life. Technical and economic transformations have brought about a social shock. New technologies have caused a degradation of the natural environment has, in a way and led agriculture astray. Today, the main objective of agrarian policy in Germany is to reach a balance between the economic and environmental goals.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRolnictwo niemieckie - przeszłość i teraźniejszośćGerman agriculture - The present and the pastArtykuł