Papiór, Jan2012-10-252012-10-251993Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, vol. 20 (1993), s. 31-46.0137-2467„Die Grenzboten“ magazine (founded by Ignaz Kuranda in Brussels in 1848) was one of the longest-appearing magazines of the German-speaking territory. While edited by Gustav Freytag and J. Schmidt, the magazine became the exponent of the anti-Polish policy. The political programme was realized not only by means of one-sided selection of the texts, but also by the anti-Austrian editing policy. Apart from literary texts, ,,Die Grenzboten“ contained mostly political and publicistic articles. The editorial board investigated the phenomena of the Polish-German cultural relationships as well as the border events. The enclosed bibliography of the so-called „Polish subjects“ gives an idea of the political programme of the editorial board and of the methods of awakening of the German nationalistic consciousness.deZum politischen Programm der "Grenzboten" unter G. Freytags und J. Schmidts Redaktion (1847-1870). Mit bibliographischem Anhang der "polnischen Beiträge" für die Jahre 1845-1889Artykuł