Baczyński, Jerzy2017-01-052017-01-051987Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 4, s. 313-3260035-9629 task of the article is an attempt to define factors which hindered the process of cristallization of the identity of intelligentsia in the post-war Poland. The changes in the social structure occuring at that time were conspicuous especially in the intelligentsia stratum, characterized — in comparison with its pre-war counterpart — by a different social composition, different tasks and relations with other elements of the macrostructure. Therefore' it is important to define the obstacles to the formation of a model of the people's intelligentsia. In the autor's opinion, the basic reason is the discrepancy between the pre-war ideology (liberal and bourgeois) and the ideology serving to build the socialist system. The necessity to form a new model of an intellectual accompanied by self- -restrained attitudes of the older generation was the factor hindering the cristallization of individual character of intelligentsia. The above was apparent already in the process of educating highly qualified specialists. To other factors belong: discrepancies between the intellectuals' expectations and the conditions of the post-war reality, the lack of full identification with the then-propagated personality models and diversified approaches to the idea of the dominant role of the working class. The author also touches upon the subject of relations between the emerging people's intelligentsia and the working class.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKształtowanie się współczesnej inteligencji polskiejFormation of contemporary Polish intelligentsiaArtykuł