Trawkowska, Dobroniega2012-02-242012-02-242010Teologia i Moralność, Tom 7, 2010, s. 33- 44978-83-61884-10-11898-2964 in providing help to families on social welfare stem from various reasons. One of the more important reasons is that the families are stigmatized by the local environment, but other reasons include a negative stereotype of the family on social welfare among social workers, difficulties in defining adequate determinants of the range of problems of these families, as well as difficulties in creating a local system of support and its coordination. It is not easy to clearly and precisely define families that avail themselves of social welfare. Some of the terms (pathological family) are stigmatizing. Hence the author suggests applying the term "a family with a wide range of problems" or "problematic family", and indicates a number of problems that social workers come across while helping families in their local environments. Three main tasks carried out by the Centers of social aid for families were subjected to detailed analysis: preparation of families to accept help, execution of social work, building/organization of an integrated system of support for families in their local environment. The main difficulties with their execution are shown, many of which are beyond the system of social aid.plsocial workpraca socjalnasocial workerpracownik socjalnyfamily social workpraca socjalna z rodzinąsocial welfarepomoc społecznarodzina wieloproblemowaDokąd zmierzamy? Socjologiczna analiza działań podejmowanych wobec rodzin wieloproblemowych przez pomoc społecznąWhere are We Headling to? Sociological Anahsis of the Actions Taken by Social Welfare towards Families with a Wide Range of ProblemsArtykuł