Socha, KrzysztofSzemelak, Radosław2014-12-182014-12-182012Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2012, Tom XVII, s. 369-3910239-8524 purpose of the paper is a multiaspectual analysis of flint arrowheads from three graves of the Tumulus Culture from the cemetery in Gorzyca (site 20). The analysed assemblage consists of 12 items, mainly made of Cretaceous erratic flint, including two semi-products and ten notched arrowheads. Based on the typological analyses, the assemblage was divided into types.plKrzemienne grociki strzał z cmentarzyska ludności kultury mogiłowej w Górzycy nad OdrąFlint arrowheads from the cemetery at Górzyca on the Oder RiverArtykuł