Nawracała, Tomasz2018-09-282018-09-282012Studia Gnesnensia, t. 26, 2012, s. 237-252.0239-9407 changes taking place in modern philosophy have also had their impact on theology. New attempts at describing and explaining the world constituted an encouragement towards taking up a discussion with the Church dogmas, defined in scholastic terms. These terms have shaped, in a particular way, the theology of the Eucharist rendering it a great mystery. Descartes, who intended to create his own philosophical summa endeavours to explicate the Eucharist by means of his methods and philosophical assumptions. In many instances, the Eucharistic doctrine recurs in the French thinker’s writings only to culminate in the letter to Father Mesland of February 1645. This article deals with and analyses the aforementioned letter with the evaluation of its contribution to the understanding of the greatest mystery of faith – the sacramental presence of Christ the Lord.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRozłączność substancji i przypadłości chleba jako klucz do interpretacji Eucharystii. Opinia Kartezjusza na temat Misterium eucharystycznegoThe Disjunction between Bread’s Substance and Reality as the Key to the Interpretation of the Eucharist. René Descartes’ Stance on the Eucharistic MysteryArtykuł