Pohl, Łukasz2013-03-072013-03-072008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 3, s. 87-950035-9629 purpose of the deliberations presented in the paper is an attempt to properly identify the addressee of the sanctioning norm that underlies the so called consequential crime resulting from omission. It has been determined that under the currently binding provisions o f the penal code, key information in that respect is contained in the provisions o f article 2 o f the said code, and consequently that article plays the role of the starting indicator. Another important function o f that article in criminal law is its articulation o f the norm in the process o f reconstructing the sanctioning norms on which the so called consequential crime resulting from omission has been based.plARTYKUŁ 2 KODEKSU KARNEGO W ROLI WYZNACZNIKA PODMIOTU PRZESTĘPSTWA SKUTKOWEGO POPEŁNIONEGO PRZEZ ZANIECHANIEARTICLE 2 OF THE PENAL CODE AS AN INDICATOR OF A CONSEQUENTIAL CRIME RESULTING FROM OMISSIONArtykuł