Janowicz, Zbigniew2016-11-262016-11-261996Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 58, 1996, z. 1, s. 21-430035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/15768The author refers to his earlier articles published in the journal and discusses the changes that have recently been introduced into Poland's law of procedure, or are about to be introduced. He devotes much consideration to the Act of May 11, 1995, on the Chief Administrative Court, together with some model changes. However, the very wide range of powers now conferred on the Court may lengthen the time period of settling complaints. The author points at the disintegration of the law of procedure, manifest, among others, in the exclusion of proceedings in the Chief Administrative Court from the Code of Administrative Proceedings. The attempt to exclude from the Code which gives the citizen large proceedings securities, the proceeding in tax cases and its regulation under a separate Act gives cause to greatest anxiety.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNowe prawo procesowe w sferze administracji publicznejThe new law of procedure in public administrationArtykuł