Nowakowska, Anna2017-12-312017-12-311980Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 42, 1980, z. 2, s. 231-2450035-9629 article has been devoted to problems of development conditions of tourist traffic. A set of factors has been presented as a scheme showing processes of formation and shaping phenomena of tourist traffic. Identification of socio-economic factors characterizing personality of a potential tourist has been done at the beginning. Interdependencies and conditions existing between examined factors have been shown. They cause raise of inclination to recreation trips as a result. A process of decision taking in the sphere of trip, choice of forms, ways and places of free time spending is a subsequent stage of creation of tourist traffic phenomena. This all is determined by a seperate group of decisive factors, which are also subjected to the analysis. The final effect of "the process is the very tourist trip. The choice ofatrip kind, its place and duration is determined by a definite set of identified factors. The analysis of a set of factors influencing tourist traffic attempts to show interdependencies and inter-actions of elements of economic and social set, which creates a need for recreation trip and determines the trip.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCzynniki kształtujące wielkość i strukturę ruchu turystycznegoFactors Influencing Size and Structure of Tourist TrafficArtykuł