Kaczmarek, Kamil2013-02-142013-02-142009w: J.Isański (red.), Komunikowanie międzykulturowe - szanse i wyzwania, Poznań, 2009; s: 145-160.http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4583The contact of zealous believers of the dominant religious groups with the members of minor religious groups is connected with experiencing strangeness in the religious sphere of values. The most frequent extreme antagonistic reaction in this situation is labelling a given group as "a sect". However, this concept for quite a long time has functioned in close relation (almost of a character of diallelus) with accusations of using mind control and brain washing. In the article I present the history of this accusation and the discussion it provoked among researchers (mainly in the USA), which showed its pseudoscientific character and led to the exclusion from court practice. I am trying to indicate the source of vitality of the mini control thesis starting with the phenomenological conception of social consciousness of P.L. Berger and the concept of the dominant nomas. This perspective explains why converts of new religions are treated differently from its traditional followers as they are not only heretics (from hairesis - choice), but are also apostates, they have not only chosen a different religion, but they have chosen it, rejecting the old commonly accepted one.psychomanipulacjanowe ruchy religijnekonwersjapranie mózguNawróceni na "obcość". Teza psychomanipulacyjna jako ideologiczne narzędzie neutralizacji wpływu apostatówArtykuł