Gmerek, Tomasz2013-07-162013-07-162013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 24, 2013, s. 65-87978-83-232-2576-81233-6688 article is devoted to the discussion of educational and social selection in the Spanish contemporary school system. The stratifi cation function of Spanish primary and secondary school is considered in-depth, with special attention paid to the tension between the concept of equality of opportunity and “inequality of results”. The article includes a consideration of social selection and structural segmentation in Spanish society and Spanish education system.plSpaineducationinequalitysocial selectionstratifi cationEdukacja i procesy selekcji społecznej w Hiszpanii – na poziomie szkolnictwa podstawowego i średniegoEducation and Social Selection Process in Spain. Primary and Secondary School StudyArtykuł