Choiński, AdamPtak, Mariusz2018-07-042018-07-042013Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 64, 2013, s. 29-37978-83-7654-221-82081-6014 this study the thickness of ice cover on six lakes in Wielkopolska was measured. Lakes were selected so that they were located on a north-south axis and the distance between the furthermost water bodies amounted to 105 km. The remaining features of the lakes were random. The investigation revealed that the va- riability in ice cover thickness was rather low, not exceeding 4 cm. In the case of Kórnickie Lake, the number of measurements performed was higher (20 boreholes; 2 boreholes in the remaining lakes) in order to assess the variation in ice cover thickness within one lake. Those analyses revealed that the difference amounted to only 2 cm. The thinnest ice cover was observed in the inflow and outflow areas of the Głuszynka river. Analysis of the relationship between ice cover thickness and latitude showed that it increased to the south. That thesis, however, must be verified by more detailed research which would include more lakes, their individual features and synchronized time series of at least several years.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessice phenomenalakesWielkopolskaZróżnicowanie grubości pokryw lodowych wybranych jezior WielkopolskiArtykuł