Przybylska-Kapuścińska, Wiesława2016-12-042016-12-041993Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 55, 1993, z. 4, s. 97-1050035-9629 increase in the degree of uncertainty and risks in the functioning of economic agents in the conditions of the transformation period brings about difficulties in formulating appropriate assessments of the economic situation. These difficulties are aggravated by the reduced scope of the enterprises' obligatory reporting. In the economy of the transformation period the method of conjuncture test is of special significance, and constitutes an additional source of qualitative information. The analysis of its results allows to determine the general image of the economic situation and, in addition, permits to demonstrate enterprises' capacity of adaptation to new system conditions. The adaptation of enterprises to the market game conditions is here analysed on the basis of the quahtative indicators of the economic conjuncture relating to the shaping and the forecasting of demand and production volume by economic agents in manufacturing industry. Additionally, the analysis covers the changes in investment and non-investment projects that aim at invigorating the economy and overcoming the persisting economic recession.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZmiany postaw menadżerskich w gospodarce okresu transformacjiChanges of managerial attitudes in the Polish economy of the transformation periodArtykuł