Brzeziński, JerzyDoliński, DariuszWudarski, Arkadiusz2014-05-202014-05-202014Brzeziński J., Doliński D., O aktywnym przeciwdziałaniu nierzetelnościom w badaniach naukowych w kontekście praktyki badawczej psychologów społecznych. W: W poszukiwaniu jakości życia. Studium interdyscyplinarne. Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Romualdowi Derbisowi, Pod red. A. Wudarskiego. Frankfurt nad Odrą — Częstochowa — Osnabrück, 2014, s. 786-799978-83-7455-373-5 misconduct occurs when a researcher fabricates (i.e. makes up data or results), falsifies (i.e. manipulates research materials, equipment or processes), or plagiarizes information or ideas within a research report. The misconduct must be committed intentionally, and the allegation must be proven by sufficient evidence. The consequences of research misconduct are considerable and disastrous. It can irreparably erode trust among scientists and between researchers and funding agencies, which may make it more difficult for colleagues at the same institution to receive grants. Research misconduct can also cause the public to lose confidence in the research results. A very important element in the fight against research misconduct is the replication study. Researchers should replicate the studies conducted by other researchers, and journals should not have to defend themselves for publishing articles presenting such research, including instance when such studies do not support previously published results. Institutions in Poland should have a procedure in place to investigate and report findings of misconduct and to protect both whistleblowers and the accused until a determination is made.plO aktywnym przeciwdziałaniu nierzetelnościom w badaniach naukowych w kontekście praktyki badawczej psychologów społecznychRozdział z książki