Podemski, Krzysztof2012-03-222012-03-222008Podemski K. Obrazy i wizje społeczeństwa polskiego w prasie krajowej w 1981 roku. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008978-83-232184-4-90554-8225http://hdl.handle.net/10593/2308The subject of this book is the clash of various images and visions of Polish society which were articulated by the chief political powers of the social conflict in 1980-81: the party and state authorities, NSZZ “Solidarność” and the Church. This is shown through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of socio-political journals (“Tygodnik Solidarność”, “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Polityka”, “Rzeczywistość” and one of the local bulletins of NSZZ “Solidarność”). The view of the world presented by these journals is called by the author “a sociology of mass media” and considered as the one which is separate from the scientific sociology and the common sociology. This book is an attempt at reconstruction of the perception by the actors of these historic events of the most important problems of the country, social structure, social conflicts, causes of the economic and political crisis, proposed reforms and changes and of the fundamental values. In the conclusion the author has distinguished three different styles of social thinking: humanistic, economistic and totalitarian.plObrazy i wizje społeczeństwa polskiego w prasie krajowej w 1981 rokuKsiążka