Komar, Andrzej2016-12-032016-12-031990Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 52, 1990, z. 1, s. 59-660035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/16149The problems of financing the agriculture gain in importance in connection with its so-called „marketization". The article discusses the condition of agriculture and the problems of introducing market elements to agricultural production. The author explains misunderstanding connected with the above question. They are the consequence of the fact that in Poland little is known about the rules of market economy. The author is in favour of financial protection of agriculture in favour of cheap credits, subventions, tax exemptions and reliefs, and foundations of various kinds for agriculture. Without such protection agriculture would not be able to supply the market with sufficient volume of possibly cheap food. The reform of financing the agriculture should constitute the part of general reform of Polish economy. The author suggests that solutions adopted in the 1050s by the EEC should be applied in that respect. The means to be used are: guaranteed prices of food produce, export subventions and agricultural duties. The system of financing the EEC agriculture is of interventionistic character. The introduction of fully developed market mechanisms to Polish agriculture is not possible due to the underdevelopment of agricultural industry and service sectors.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFinansowanie rolnictwa w Polsce (Zarys koncepcji)Financing the agriculture in Poland (The outline of the conception)Artykuł