Mazur, Paweł2018-09-242018-09-242017Ethics in Progress (ISSN 2084-9257). Vol. 8 (2017). No. 2, Art. #8, pp. 97-109. Doi: 10.14746/eip.2017.2.82084-9257 paper deals with the disciplinary responsibility of judges for obvious and flagrant legal misconduct. A model of the aforementioned responsibility in the Polish law has been presented. The problems deliberated upon include: the moral justification of punishing judges for mentioned disciplinary delicts and critical evaluation of Supreme Court view about this responsibility. A question is asked about reconsidering the interpretation of obvious and flagrant legal misconduct according to modern times and the complicated social and law reality.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessdisciplinary responsibilityjudgesmisconductSupreme CourtPolish legal frameworkUwagi o odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej sędziów za rażącą i oczywistą obrazę prawa w polskim systemie prawnymNotes on Disciplinary Responsibility of Judges for Blatant and Obvious Violations of Law in Polish Legal SystemArtykuł