Kwaśniewicz, Władysław2013-03-182013-03-181998Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 60, 1998, z. 3-4, s. 431-4420035-9629 Author discusses a network of institutions of forming sociologists in Poland, cites data about the number o f students of sociology in particular Universities, assesses the staff of teachers in the entres of sociological studies as well as didactic potential of the professors and, finally, analyses the market of the job offers for qualified sociologists. He also postulates a need to know something more about demographic and socio-cultural features of young people studying sociology and also the need to reconsider upon a development strategy of this science in treshold of the new century and - possibilities of enlarging the employment of sociologists in extra-academic professions. There is also a need to analyse the whole state of methodology of teaching sociology. The phenomenon of competition between particular universities and schools gets bigger and bigger and the quality o f teaching may become an important factor of regulation of enrolment processes in academic institutions.plWSPÓŁCZESNE REALIA UNIWERSYTECKIEGO KSZTAŁCENIA SOCJOLOGÓWCONTEMPORARY REAL CONDITIONS OF SOCIOLOGISTS’ FORMATION ON A UNIVERSITY LEVELArtykuł