Chabierska, EwaGotówka, Elżbieta2016-12-052016-12-051995Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 57, 1995, z. 3, s. 63-750035-9629 transition to market economy requires appropriate changes to take place in the agricultural environment, including the conditions in which farms operate. Peasant farms as well as other businesses need to change from the traditional to the market approach. Market economy is nowadays a necessary condition for the success to be achieved in the changing market environment. The results of a research carried out in July 1994 among farmers selling their produce at Wielkopolska Giełda Rolno-Ogrodnicza SA in Poznan (Wielkopolska Agricultural and Garden Produce Exchange) show that only a small number of farm owners use marketing instruments in practice, whereas the majority represent a 'surviving' attitude. This can be explained by inadequate knowledge of the principles and rules of market economy. Lack of marketing knowledge may very soon lead to a loss of a competitive advantage, leading in consequence to a loss of the market share. Farmers must realise that a change in their attitude from a production focus to a market focus is a pre-condition in the process of the changes implemented in farms to suit the requirements of a market economy.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMarketingowa orientacja warunkiem przystosowania gospodarstw chłopskich do wymagań rynkuMarketing approach as a necessary condition in the process of adapting peasant farms to market requirementsArtykuł