Krause, Amadeusz2015-07-082015-07-082014Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 33, s. 7-18978-83-232-2879-01233-6688 text focuses on the issues of the development and changes within scientific disciplines, in particular social sciences and special education as one of their areas. The author locates his reasoning in reference to the idea of scientific development and the concept of paradigmatic change of Thomas Kuhn, especially revealing the notion of hermeneutic disparity, which metaphorically means the lack of a common language of researchers originating from different (opposite) paradigms. Applying hermeneutic disparity in his discussion, the author seeks answers to the questions formulated either to the essence and quality of pedagogy as a science or to the ways it is practiced and conditioned by a researcher’s paradigmatic and methodological orientation.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesssocial and humanistic sciencesdevelopment and changes within scientific disciplinesspecial educationparadigmhermeneutic disparityPedagogika w zmianie paradygmatycznej – problem hermeneutycznej niewspółmiernościPedagogy in the Paradigmatic Change – the Problem of Hermeneutic DisparityArtykuł