Matulewicz, Klemens2016-12-262016-12-261986Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 1, s. 203-2210035-9629 aim of the article is to illustrate the territorial differentiation of farming production in the Leszczyński voivodship, with the help of synthetic indicators and an analysis of the main concepts. An analysis of the empirical data has shown that despite certain differences in the level of production pointed out by the synthetic indicator, farming in the Leszczyński voivodship is distributed rather equally in terms of territory. Changes in farm production levels in the years 1976 - 1981 were rather evenly spaced out in the different counties. On the basis of an analysis of the main components it has been contended that the most important components differentiating farm production levels in the Leszczyński voivodship were made up of the following features: the selling of pork, harvests, the number of swine bred, the selling of beef — so for 1981. In 1976 the features were as follows: the selling of beef, the number of cattle bred, harvests. In the course of the analysis it has been observed that the results of the studies on the territorial differentiation of farm production levels in the Leszczyński voivodship through the synthetic indicator method and an analysis of the main components are more or less convergent. The method of main components, though, enables a more precise presentation of the differentiation of the phenomenon in different territory.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBadania nad przestrzennym zróżnicowaniem poziomu produkcyjnego rolnictwa na przykładzie województwa leszczyńskiegoResearch on a territorial differentiation of the level of agricultural production on the example of the leszczyński voivodshipArtykuł