Gosieniecki, Piotr2017-01-022017-01-021985Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 1, s. 129-1370035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/17058The participation of family circles in the process of minor's resocialzzation is one of the requisites of a successful completion of that process. As it is indicated in numerous studies, the participation is effective both in cases of applying measures, isolating a minor from his natural educational milieu, and first and foremost in a situation when -the measures imply leaving him with his family. Provisions of the discussed act are aiming at including parents actively in the course of the process. In this aim the catalog of measures applied to a minor was extended in. the Act and so is the role of vesting courts with a competence to impose simultaneously certain duties on his parents. The second element, inducing for an optimistic assessment of the instituted changes, is laying legal grounds for a real and authentic cooperation of a court and institutians specialized in resocialization of minors with the parents, at the time of applying those measures and during their enforcement. The statutory provision implying that the application of measures is not limited by time in advance as well as posibility of altering the measures applied in course -of their enforcement on account of a change in minor's situation is strongly linked to the parental participation in the process of socialization.. The adopted solutions deserve a positive opinion.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRola rodziny w procesie resocjalizacji w świetle ustawy o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnichRole of family in the process of resocialization in the light of Act of Procedure in Cases of MinorsArtykuł