Melosik, Zbyszko2017-04-272017-04-272016Studia Edukacyjne, 2016, nr 39, s.73-96978-83-232-3088-51233-6688 text is devoted to the concept of subculture and tribalism, which enable a new interpretation of the way of organizing young people’s everyday life. It seems that in contemporary reality an affiliation of an individual to a subcultural group – in the context of the possibility of obtaining social success - is excessive. A person who consistently identifies with oriented resistance, rebellion, or creates an alternative world group is in practice excluded from mainstream culture and career. It is true that modern society seems to tolerate almost any difference, but it is by no means so-called “cold tolerance”. The marginalization of persons belonging to the subculture is done by silent mechanisms of ignorance. At the same time belonging to a subculture usually requires the reconstruction of one’s own identity, including the stringent requirements of the group, both in terms of value systems and everyday lifestyles. It is not difficult to notice that in contemporary world lifelong relationships and coalitions, “brotherhood of arms” and close ties disappear increasingly. They are replaced by sometimes ad-hoc configurations of tribal character, directed to fight with another tribe, created in the same way, or to the implementation of a specific “interest”. At the same time, these configurations are temporary, sometimes even makeshift.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesspost-subcultureyouthidentitytribalismPost-subkultury i tożsamość młodzieży współczesnej: tyrania tymczasowości?Post-subcultures and Identity of Contemporary Youth: the Tyranny of the Temporary?Artykuł