Kuryś-Szyncel, Karolina2014-09-242014-09-242013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 29, 2013, s. 255-271978-83-232-2738-01233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/11588The article refers to personalization patterns which stimulate development in adulthood. These are: confrontation with the circumstances of life, implementation of life’s tasks, seeking and adapting patterns of personal self-creation. The author notes that each of these mechanisms can be seen and experienced as a conflict. Particular attention is paid to the pattern of self-creation, subjected to empirical verification. The text analyses personal stories provoked by the narrative impulse: “Who is this I?” The analysis helps reconstruct the three orientations of the narrative and indicates the characteristics of the wholeness type of personality.plpersonalizationself-creationdevelopment in adulthoodnarrativePersonalizacja jako wyzwanie rozwojowe dorosłości – wokół problemu autokreacyjnych możliwości podmiotuPersonalization as a Developmental Challenge of Adulthood – Around the Question of Personal Self-creation PossibilitiesArtykuł