Kolendowska-Matejczuk, MartaWiliński, PawełKarlik, Piotr2014-10-312014-10-312014Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid, pp. 203-210978-83-936610-4-6http://hdl.handle.net/10593/12057Strength and quality of a democratic state under the rule of law is best measured by its attitude to the most vulnerable persons or those in a dramatic situation, such as victims of crime. Fair proceedings must ensure and respect not only the rights of the suspect and the accused, but also the rights of the victim, at each stage of the proceedings, including the pre-trial stage. It is important that the rights of victims are not only guaranteed by the letter of the law, but are also enforceable in practice.enactivity of the human rights defenderProtection of the rights of crime victims in the activity of the human rights defenderRozdział z książki