Stanisz, MarekPanek, Sylwia2019-09-172019-09-172019Stanisz M, Spory o sonet we wczesnoromantycznej krytyce literackiej, Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, Poznań 2019978-83-7654-448-9 Polemic Over the Sonnet in Polish Early Romantic Literary Criticism Adam Mickiewicz’s Sonnets, published in 1826, initiated the vogue for this poetic genre in Poland and shortly after a passionate discussion broke out among literary critics on the place and significance of the sonnet in Polish poetry. In the space of barely several years from the publication of this collection there appeared a plethora of articles, reviews, polemics and satirical verse on this matter. Those who put pen to paper were among the most renowned literary lions of this period as well as those a good deal lesser known, often anonymous, standard bearers of traditional, renaissance views on literature as well as advocates of new, romantic tendencies. It is thus that literary exchanges on the sonnet became an important milestone at the Romantic turn, pursued in the 1820s in Poland. This anthology is pleased to unfold before the reader some twenty five expressions of literary criticism on the sonnet. These have been placed in chronological order and given detailed editorial commentary.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSpory o sonet we wczesnoromantycznej krytyce literackiejKsiążka