Trepiński, Bogdan2017-01-022017-01-021985Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 2, s. 135-1460035-9629 review of labor law provisions from the point of view of a possibility of reconciling professional engagement and family obligations of parents became the leading thought of the work. It is an essential feature of labor relation that employee is obliged without exceptions for personal performance of work. Consequently the labor legislation has to take account of the situations when a worker can receive a short leave from his work place on account of socially justified needs. The following is analysed in turn: leaves for workers taking care of children up to 14 years of age, leaves in order to have a child receive vaccination as ordered by the organ of medical cervice and other leaves for settling important personal and family matters. Situations entitling to quardianship benefits and the related protection of stability of labor relation of a parent are also discussed. At the end, provisions on granting unpaid leaves and realizing rights to rest leaves are interpreted. The author also postulates adjustment of labor law provisions to obligations of a parent in a biologically incomplete family. Suggested directions must not be interpreted as an attempt at familiarizing labor law, but they have to be seen as specifying the workplace obligation to reveal care for fulfilling economic and social problems of the workers.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKrótkoterminowe zwolnienia od pracy w celu sprawowania osobistej pieczy nad dzieckiemShort-term leaves from work to provide a personal care of a childArtykuł