Mektep-Tegi, AmankosDosanow, Tajżan2018-05-172018-05-172011Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne nr 3, 2011, s.71-86.1731-7517 paper presents materials evidencing the examples of former integration between Poles and Kazakh families that relocated from Asia to Europe in antiquity. The diversity of the languages, cultures, traditions and religions of these actually very dif-ferent nations turned out not to be an impediment to their union. This demonstrates that true integration knows no barriers.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessStarożytna integracja narodów Europy i Azji albo polska legenda o pochodzeniu KazachówAncient Integration of Nations in Europe and Asia, or the Polish Legend about the Origins of the KazakhsArtykuł