Baehr, Jerzy2016-12-042016-12-041992Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 54, 1992, z. 1, s. 89-970035-9629 the article, the author investigates the question of legal character of the transformation of a state enterprise into a single-shareholder company of the State Treasury. The author criticizes the leading views in this respect, according to which such transformation is either a civil law transaction or an administrative decision. The transformation is a complex process, in the course of which the Minister of Ownership Changes acts both in the domain of administrative and civil law. In the author's opinion the transformation of a state enterprise into a single- -shareholder company of the State Treasury does not consist merely in a change of the legal shape of the existing legal entity, but leads to the creation of a new legal entity. Such a new entity assumes the totality of rights and duties of a former state enterprise by means of universal succesion.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPrzekształcenie przedsiębiorstwa państwowego w jednoosobową spółkę Skarbu PaństwaTransformation of a state enterprise into a singles hareholder company of the State TreasuryArtykuł