Nowak, Marek2013-07-112013-07-112004Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 66, 2004, z. 1, s. 189-2040035-9629 sources of this work can be traced back to the discussion on paradigmatic specifics of the contemporary science. The above mentioned correspondence between institutionalism in sociology and economics can be described in two different ways. The first approach refers to the institution as a category in both disciplines whereas the second depends on the way to describe collective phenomena. Historically speaking, the institutional context in sociology is closely tied to the many concepts that followed Comte’s positive science and the traditional interpretation of Spencerian views on social change. The evolution of those views has led the American social sciences to pragmatism and finally to social interactionism and social psychology of G.H Mead and J.H. Cooley. It should be emphasized that there exist many links between them and the institutional economics of J. Mitchell and J.R. Commons. In their opinion, the institution should be treated as the central element of human society and defined as a way of thinking or treated as the central element of culture, similarly to habit or custom.plINSTYTUCJONALIZM W SOCJOLOGII I EKONOMIIINSTITUTIONALISM IN SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICSArtykuł