Czyż, Teresa2014-02-282014-02-282012Quaestiones Geographicae vol. 31 (2), s. 71-82, 2012978-83-62662-62-30137-477X article consists of two parts. Part one offers a diagnostic description of the current spatial-economic structure of Poland in which regions are divided into core and peripheral ones. The division rests on a systemic measure of the level of economic development, viz. the income potential /population potential ratio. Part two is an analysis of changes in Poland’s spatial-economic structure over the years 1998–2008 where an attempt is made to determine how far those changes coincided with visions of the country’s spatial structure presented in planning conceptions.enspatial-economic structurecore and peripheral regionsmethod of potential ratiotransformation of spatial structureplanning conceptionsPolandTransformation of Poland’s spatial-economic structure in the years 1998–2008.Artykuł