Smyczyński, Tadeusz2016-12-102016-12-101988Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 50, 1988, z. 2, s. 23-370035-9629 problem of human integrity appears in the context of international documents concerning the protection of human rights. In the author's opinion, there are no grounds to formulate a separate right to integrity. Human integrity should be conceived as a directive of interpretation necessary to assess and implement all human rights. However, integrity should be perceived as referring not only to a human being as a separate individual, but as a member of a family group he himself established or belongs to. Life of an individual is connected with a family, which constitutes natural environment of human existence. Belonging to a family apparently limits integrity of an individual in the sense of his/her autonomy correlated with the lot and well-being of other members of the family. At the same time, however, one may notice that the participation in a family „enlarges" one's personality and thus his/her integrity is also enlarged by those elements which are common for all family members, e.g. dignity, good fame, privacy of family life, etc. Family thus appears as a specific point of reference in an integral approach to the protection of an individual.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessIntegralność człowieka w świetle jego statusu rodzinnegoHuman integrity in the light of family status of a personArtykuł