Łuczka, Teresa2016-11-242016-11-24Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 59, 1997, z. 2, s. 49-640035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/15741The subject of the article are side-effects of economic policy of difficile and expensive money during enlivened conjuncture (a boom) in the field of credit offer and a reception of respectively resulting problems by German economic thought. The example of German has been selected purposely because German economic thought reveals a mechanism of wrongful identification of structural abundance of capital in the national economy with its conjunctural limitations. A lack of explicite delimitation between structural abundance of capital and its conjunctural insufficiency leads to ignoring serious economic consequences in offering of bank credit for small and middle-sized private enterprises under a boom. The final part of the article is devoted to the analysis of a mechanism aimed at limitation of access of such enterprises to bank credit during enlivened conjuncture as well as of some economic effects of such a limitation - first of all in the area of efficiency of competition mechanism and in what concerns the structure of market.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessProblemy dyskryminacji kredytowej małego i średniego przedsiębiorstwa prywatnego w gospodarce rynkowej w świetle niemieckiej myśli ekonomicznejProblem of credit discrimination against small and middle-sized private enterprises in market economy in the light of German economic thoughtArtykuł