Lachowski, Stanisław2012-12-282012-12-282008Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2008/2009, tom 19, s. 91-1080867-2059 article aims at measuring the load of housework in children. This type of work is a permanent slot in the timetable of the majority of children in rural families. For the majority of examined children housework is a regular duty, done on daily or near-daily basis. The analysis shows no statistically significant difference between younger and older children in terms of their partaking in housework, while significant difference is found between the subgroups formed by boys and girls. Children are given housework in the majority of rural families. This helps the family to function efficiently; it helps to strengthen family ties, form positive features of children's personality, and prepare them to perform family roles in their adult life.plObciążenie pracami domowymi dzieci w rodzinach wiejskichHousework load in children in rural familiesArtykuł