Nowakowski, Andrzej2016-12-262016-12-261986Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 1, s. 39-500035-9629 in Poland the judicial review of individual administrative acts byconstituting the Supreme Administrative Court, through amending the Code of Administrative Cour, through amending the Code of Administrative proceedings on 31 Jan. 1980 became a breakthrough in the actions aiming at strengthening the rule of law. The subject matter concerning the extension of the SAC jurisdiction became a part of social agreements concluded at the break of the years 1980/81 by the representatives of state authorities and social groups. According to the legal position as of 15 Apr. 1985 there are 20 types of administrative decisions falling within the scope of the SAC jurisdiction, mentioned specifically in the art. 196 § 2 sub sec. 1-20 c.a.p. and 7 types of the decisions contained in the specific statutes within the meaning of art. 196 § 3 c.a.p. It can be justifiably advocated to replace the affirmative enumeration of art. 196 § 2 c.a.p. by the general clause, the way it was done in other states including the socialist ones. The clause would point at the presumption of the SAC competence. Regulation of a right of citizen to lodge a complaint in the SAC for the illegal decisions of administrative organs should find its place in the Polish constitution along the regulation of the legal status of SAC.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessUwagi o przedmiotowym zakresie jurysdykcji Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego. Propozycje de lege ferendaDe lege ferenda remarks on the subjective range of jurisdiction of the Supreme Administrative CourtArtykuł