Amán, Rosales Rodríguez2013-11-192013-11-192013-06-30Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 2, pp. 119-131978-83-232-2510-20137-2475eISSN 2084-4158 as main conceptual framework the proposals of the important thinker and poet from Martinica, Édouard Glissant (1928-2011), about a “poetics of relation”, the article considers the way in which a significant part of the contemporary Spanish speaking literary creation — precisely in virtue of its hybrid or mixed cultural nature — is a good example of the fertility of Glissant’s “poetics of relation” — in which other key concepts of Glissant’s theoretical point of view, like the “archipelagic thought” and the “Whole-World”, are included. Thus, the convergence between certain theoretical perspectives rooted in the francophone Caribbean context and similar intuitions literary developed in the Hispanic American region is“Poetics of Relation”Cultural HibridismCreolizationNomadismHibridismo cultural y literatura en el contexto de una “poética de la relación”Cultural hibridism and literature in the context of a “poetics of relation”Artykuł