Postek, Halina2014-10-012014-10-012014-06Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 9/2014, s. 145-160978-83-7654-166-22082-5951 19th century is a watershed in the history of Jews in Central-Eastern Europe. The religious and philosophical-social movements of Chasidism and Haskalah come into existence in response to the crisis of traditional Judaism. After the initial clashes, adherents of traditional Judaism and the Chasidim unite their forces to repel the postulates of the Maskilim which, in their view, threaten the Jewish identity. Founded on traditional Judaism, there appears a solution which is to be a compromise between Chasidism and Haskalah – the Musar movement.The aim of paper is to acquaint Polish readers with the little known religious and ethical movement which developed in the latter half of the 19th century in Lithuania. Associated with traditional Judaism, the Musar movement was to be an alternative both to Chasidism and the HaskalahplMUSARCHASIDISMTRADITIONAL JUDAISMMITNAGDIMHASKALAHMusaryzm: między chasydyzmem a haskaląTHE MUSAR MOVEMENT: BETWEEN CHASSIDISM AND THE HASKALAArtykuł